Does My Child Need to See An Orthodontist?

As parents, we often find ourselves wondering about the various milestones in our children’s lives, including their oral health. One question that frequently arises is, “Does my child need to see an orthodontist?” At Eastern Virginia Orthodontics, we understand this concern and are here to guide you through the process of determining when and why your child might benefit from orthodontic care.

Dr. Peluso and Dr. Savage, our experienced orthodontists serving Norfolk, Virginia Beach, and Chesapeake, are committed to providing the best possible care for your child’s developing smile. Let’s explore the importance of early orthodontic evaluations and help you understand the signs that might indicate your child could benefit from orthodontic treatment.


Why Seeing an Orthodontist is Important for Your Child’s Long-Term Oral Health

Many parents assume that orthodontic care is solely about achieving a straight, aesthetically pleasing smile. While this is certainly one of the benefits, the importance of orthodontic treatment goes far beyond cosmetics. Early orthodontic intervention can be crucial to your child’s overall oral health and development.

Prevent Future Problems

By addressing orthodontic issues early, we can often prevent more serious problems from developing later in life. Crowded teeth create tight spaces that are challenging to brush and floss effectively, potentially leading to plaque buildup, tooth decay, and inflamed gums. Misaligned bites can lead to uneven wear on teeth, jaw problems, and even difficulties with speech or eating.

Guide Jaw Growth

The jaw is still growing and developing during childhood, making it an ideal time for orthodontic intervention if needed. Dr. Peluso and Dr. Savage can guide the jaw’s growth to ensure proper alignment and create space for incoming permanent teeth.

Boost Self-Confidence

While not the primary focus, we can’t ignore the positive impact that a healthy, well-aligned smile can have on a child’s self-esteem. As children grow and become more aware of their appearance, addressing orthodontic issues early can help them feel more confident in social situations.


What Can an Orthodontic Appointment Check For?

At Eastern Virginia Orthodontics, we recommend that children have their first orthodontic evaluation by age seven. This might seem early, but it allows us to identify potential issues before they become more serious. During an initial appointment, our team will check for a variety of factors that could indicate the need for orthodontic treatment.

Bite Alignment

We’ll assess how your child’s upper and lower teeth come together. Issues like overbites, underbites, crossbites, or open bites can be identified and addressed.

Tooth Spacing

Our orthodontists will look for signs of crowding or gaps between teeth. Crowding can lead to difficulties with oral hygiene, while large gaps might indicate underlying issues with jaw development or missing teeth.

Teeth Eruption Patterns

By examining which teeth have come in and which are still to emerge, we can predict potential problems and plan interventions if necessary.

Jaw Growth and Alignment

Dr. Savage and Dr. Peluso will evaluate your child’s jaw growth and positioning to ensure proper development.

Habits Affecting Oral Development

We’ll also discuss any habits that might impact your child’s oral development, such as thumb-sucking or prolonged pacifier use.


Does My Child Need to See An Orthodontist?

Signs Your Child Might Need to See an Orthodontist

While regular check-ups are important, there are also specific signs you can watch for that might indicate your child could benefit from seeing an orthodontist:

  • Unusual timing of baby tooth loss
  • Trouble with chewing or biting
  • Mouth breathing
  • Thumb-sucking beyond age five
  • Crowded, misplaced, or blocked-out teeth
  • Jaws that make sounds, shift, protrude, or are recessed
  • Difficulty with speech
  • Biting the cheek or roof of the mouth
  • Protruding teeth
  • Teeth that don’t meet normally or at all

If you notice any of these signs, scheduling an appointment with Eastern Virginia Orthodontics is a good idea. Our team serving Norfolk, Virginia Beach, and Chesapeake can provide a thorough evaluation and recommend the best course of action.


The Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Taking a proactive approach to your child’s orthodontic care can offer numerous benefits:

Shorter Treatment Times

By addressing issues early, we can often shorten the duration of treatment needed later in life. This can mean less time spent on braces or aligners during the teenage years.

Less Invasive Procedures

Early intervention can sometimes eliminate the need for more invasive procedures later on, such as tooth extractions or jaw surgery.

Cost-Effective in the Long Run

While it might seem counterintuitive, addressing orthodontic issues early can often be more cost-effective than waiting until problems become more severe.

Improved Oral Health

Properly aligned teeth create fewer hiding spots for plaque and bacteria, making daily oral hygiene more effective.


What to Expect at Your Child’s First Orthodontic Visit

If you decide to bring your child in for an orthodontic evaluation at Eastern Virginia Orthodontics, here’s what you can expect:

  • A warm welcome from our friendly staff
  • A thorough examination of your child’s teeth, jaws, and oral structures
  • X-rays or 3D imaging, if necessary
  • A discussion with Dr. Peluso or Dr. Savage about their findings
  • Recommendations for treatment, if needed
  • Answers to all your questions and concerns

We strive to make every visit to our office a positive experience for both children and parents.


Partnering with Parents for Optimal Oral Health

At Eastern Virginia Orthodontics, we believe in partnering with parents to ensure the best possible outcomes for our young patients. We’ll provide all the information you need to make informed decisions about your child’s orthodontic care.

Remember, every child is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to orthodontic treatment. Some children may benefit from early intervention, while others may not need treatment until their teenage years. The key is regular check-ups and open communication with your orthodontist.


Does My Child Need to See An Orthodontist?

Investing in Your Child’s Smile

Deciding whether your child needs to see an orthodontist is important in ensuring their long-term oral health. By being proactive and seeking early evaluations, you invest in your child’s future smile and overall well-being.

At Eastern Virginia Orthodontics, Dr. Peluso and Dr. Savage are dedicated to providing top-quality orthodontic care to families in Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, and the surrounding areas. We’re here to guide you through every step of your child’s orthodontic journey, from their free first evaluation to their final reveal of a beautiful, healthy smile.